Sunday School is for individuals of all ages. We have classes for children, youth and adults. Our children and youth classes are age specific. Classes are pre-k to 3rd grade, 4th grade to 6th grade and 7th grade to 12th grade. Adults also have two Sunday School classes to choose from. All of our teachers have had background checks.
Our children and youth ministry is integral to the church. In addition to Sunday School classes, we have Children’s Church which meets during part of the Sunday morning services. Children are dismissed from Sunday worship to Children’s Church. Children’s church is for ages 3 to 4th grade. Nursery is also provided during Sunday morning Worship services. Sunday nights consist of our GLADE KIDS and Youth time. GLADE KIDS meets each Sunday night from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM. All of our children’s volunteers have been background checked.
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